Monday, February 25, 2008
Double-Whoa!!! It's back!

Saturday, February 23, 2008
Trees and Driveways
(a) With respect to trees on rental spaces in a mobilehome park, park management shall be solely responsible for the trimming, pruning, or removal of any tree, and the costs thereof, upon written notice by a homeowner or a determination by park management that the tree poses a specific hazard or health and safety violation. In the case of a dispute over that assertion, the park management or a homeowner may request an inspection by the Department of Housing and Community Development or a local agency responsible for the enforcement of the Mobilehome Parks Act (Part 2.1 (commencing with Section 18200) of Division 3 of the Health and Safety Code) in order to determine whether a violation of that act exists.
(b) With respect to trees in the common areas of a mobilehome park, park management shall be solely responsible for the trimming, pruning, or removal of any tree, and the costs thereof.
(c) Park management shall be solely responsible for the maintenance, repair, replacement, paving, sealing, and the expenses related to the maintenance of all driveways installed by park management including, but not limited to, repair of root damage to driveways and foundation systems and removal. Homeowners shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair, replacement, paving, sealing, and the expenses related to the maintenance of a homeowner installed driveway. A homeowner may be charged for the cost of any damage to the driveway caused by an act of the homeowner or a breach of the homeowner’s responsibilities under the rules and regulations so long as those rules and regulations are not inconsistent with the provisions of this section.
(d) No homeowner may plant a tree within the mobilehome park without first obtaining written permission from the management.
(e) This section shall not apply to alter the terms of any rental agreement in effect prior to January 1, 2001, between the park management and the homeowner regarding the responsibility for the maintenance of trees and driveways within the mobilehome park, except that upon any renewal or extension, the rental agreement shall be subject to this section. This section is not intended to abrogate the content of any existing rental agreement or other written agreements regarding trees or driveways that are in effect prior to January 1, 2001.
(f) This section shall only apply to rental agreements entered into, renewed, or extended on or after January 1, 2001.
(g) Any mobilehome park rule or regulation shall be in compliance with this section.
(Added by AB 862, (Correa),
Friday, February 22, 2008
Tatum and Kaplan
Article from The Los Angeles Time, February 16, 1996 The Maverick at
Resting in the dairy farm country of northwestern
That tranquility, however, was shattered after a partnership half-owned by Jeffrey A. Kaplan, a
The new landlords soon demanded bigger annual rent increases. They pushed so hard, in fact, that
Such tactics have made Kaplan, who owns interest in about 15 mobile home parks, a symbol of greed to many of his opponents and one of the most controversial park landlords in California. But now Kaplan, 49, is antagonizing even more of the state's 1 million mobile home park dwellers..................
Some park owners have learned the art of defusing tensions by dealing diplomatically with tenants and charging moderate rent increases. But by all accounts, Kaplan--short, wiry and engaging yet hot-tempered--has never taken that tack.
Kaplan is disliked even by some park landlords who support Prop. 199; they privately blame Kaplan's tactics for inspiring many communities to adopt profit-shrinking rent-control ordinances in the first place.
"In this industry, there's room to gouge," said a Prop. 199 supporter who asked not to be identified. "People can't take their house and walk away. Jeff pushed the limit in his parks, more than most of us think is right."
The resulting animosity has fostered still-pending private lawsuits accusing Kaplan and Tatum partnerships of misleading customers into signing exorbitant land leases, allowing their parks to deteriorate into near-slums and threatening to evict residents who protested.
Moreover, the Santa Clara County district attorney's office in December filed a complaint accusing two Tatum-Kaplan Financial Group partnerships in San Jose of duping customers--many of them unsophisticated in real estate matter--into signing high-rent, long-term leases that violated the city' rent control law. An untold number of residents, the complaint alleges, have been forced to abandon their homes or sell them at distressed prices......
Meanwhile, abandoned homes are spreading throughout
But why would Tatum-Kaplan want to drive out residents? One possibility is raised in the
The complaint charges without specifying details, that the Tatum-Kaplan partnerships "are purchasing mobile homes abandoned by resident who cannot afford the rent and reselling them for a profit. By raising rents to a point where tenants abandon their homes, (the Tatum-Kaplan partnerships) are not only increasing the residents' injuries. . . but are also reaping additional profit for themselves."
Why didn't the mobile home owners understand what they were signing?
''These leases are about 30 pages thick. Home buyers were told they couldn't take one outside to review it,'' said Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Ken Rosenblatt, who is prosecuting Kaplan and Tatum and their firms for alleged rent-gouging and operating an elaborate scheme to circumvent San Jose's rent control.
The leases called for rent hikes of 8 percent or 9 percent a year for five years, with an additional 10 percent tacked on in th fifth year for a total of 18 percent or 19 percent that year. The fact that they were for 25 years was buried deep in the document, Rosenblatt said.
After a five-year delay, prosecutors went to trial in civil court this week accusing the owners of two mobile-home parks of rent-gouging and running an intricate sham to skirt San Jose's rent control ordinance. .....prosecutors claim that the defendants, Beaumont Investments Ltd. and San Jose Investments Ltd., engaged in unfair business practices in a six-year scheme to circumvent the ordinance, which regulates how much mobile-home park owners can increase the rent on leases of one year or less. The companies are joint owners of Lamplighter and Casa del Lago mobile home parks, which are managed by Thomas Tatum and Jeffrey Kaplan.
Santa Clara County prosecutors claim that instead of offering shorter leases required by rent control, park operators m manipulated 90 prospective tenants into signing lucrative long-term lease and disguised costs that would ultimately raise their rents significantly.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Things to do...
"The strong take from the weak and the smart take from the strong."
That's it. "The strong take from the weak and the smart take from the strong." It's time for us to get smart and deal with this long term lease situation. We need to get smart and stop spinning our wheels by just complaining about our individual cases at our Homeowners Association meetings. We need to get smart and set goals and focus our collective energies, strengths and ideas towards achieving them. We need to get smart and educate ourselves on issues such as Proposition 98 that will be on the June, 2008 ballot.
"The strong take from the weak and the smart take from the strong." A powerful message on a scrap of paper I had used for a to do list. Remember it and be sure to attend the next Homeowners Association meeting.
Inaction produces nothing. Spread the word.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
What this blog is about.....
We are facing some trying times with rent increases and ballot issues that may eradicate rent control altogether so we all need to voice our concerns!!!
Please do some research (because I can't do it all) and contribute information where you can. If you just wish to vent, feel free to do so.
Good luck and happy hunting.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Are you selling your mobile home???
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
What's wrong with this picture?

or this one???

This is one of the Upland Cascade Mobile Home Park's vacant homes that I pass by everyday. It has been vacant for months now and looks very trashy. Do you think this would effect the value of surrounding homes? We pay $800.00 or more a month to look at this? Park owners and management should clean their own house before they hang their picayune letters on our mailboxes. Another fine example of the park owners' and management's neglect.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Immobile Homes-Big Money vs.No Money
Does it sound familiar? And here's a big surprise for you....the Tatum and Kaplan mentioned in that article are the same Tom Tatum and Jeffrey Kaplan that own Upland Cascade Mobile Home Park. IMHO they're using the same tactics to trick buyers into signing long term leases thus giving up their rights to rent control. (I don't think they're offering televisions and microwaves now.)
How can this unethical practice still be taking place? Why haven't city, county or state officials done anything about this? Have our elected officials turned their backs on us? Are these long term lease agreements legal or not? I really don't know but the manner in which they secured them is very very questionable in my mind.