or this one???

This is one of the Upland Cascade Mobile Home Park's vacant homes that I pass by everyday. It has been vacant for months now and looks very trashy. Do you think this would effect the value of surrounding homes? We pay $800.00 or more a month to look at this? Park owners and management should clean their own house before they hang their picayune letters on our mailboxes. Another fine example of the park owners' and management's neglect.
I have a similar vacant mobile home on my street that I have to look at every day. The windows are boarded up and the grass is dead. Yet I get wrote up monthly for petty things, such as leaves behind the porch that can't been seen from the street, 3 days of newspapers on the patio bench. I totally agree that the park needs to look at keeping their end of the agreement before harassing us who pay over $1,000 a month in rent
Thanks for linking on to one of our websites here in San Jose, CA another mess of Tatum and Kaplans..you might want to check out www.cdlra.com we try to help our residents up here as well..PLEASE POST THE INFO ON PROP 99, we do not want to lose RENT CONTROL across the State.
DC, President of Casa Del Lago Mobile home Park, San Jose, CA
UPDATE...this place has been flattened and thrown away.
i discovered last owners rent control paperwork with an established base rent if 300d - my rent was started at 600f- i was in my 3-day cooling off period- i was screamed at that i could not have that and i better not start problems- wrote and sent request release letter to owner and mgmt- they refused to respond- illegal tree trimming bill put on my rent etc etc etc upland cascade mhp
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